Baby Sleep Program

Empowered families
and sleeping babies

An online sleep and settling
program for children 0-5 years


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Meet Dr Golly

Hi, I’m Dr Golly.

Paediatrician and father of 3. I’m here to tell you there’s no better parent for your little one than you.

I’ve created these online learning courses to empower you with the skills and knowledge to ensure your whole family gets a good night’s sleep.

dr golly


Pick a Course

Bundle & Save

Save $450 when you get the sleep bundle deal!

The sleep bundle deal includes

DrGolly Sleep bundle

6x Aged Based Programs:

  • Preparation to Newborns: 0-3 Weeks RRP $100
  • Little Baby Sleep Program: 3-16 Weeks RRP $100
  • Big Baby Sleep Program: 4-8 Months RRP $100
  • Pre-Toddler Sleep Program: 8-12 Months RRP $100
  • Toddler Sleep Program: 1-2 Years RRP $100
  • Pre-School Sleep Program: 2-5 Years RRP $100

2x Program Supplements:

  • Second Child Supplement RRP $50
  • Twins Supplement RRP $50

Let customers speak for us

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A carefully crafted team of experts

The team of experts who have contributed to the program include trained and accredited Sleep Consultants, Midwives, Paediatric Psychologist, Lactation consultants and more!

Want to learn more about the Dr Golly Sleep Program?

In this short video Dr Golly talks you through all the most frequently asked questions he gets from parents interested in buying his sleep program.

drgolly video

Frequently Asked Questions

I've been using the program for a while now, and there's something that's not covered, not working or not making sense, what do I do?

Each age based program has a section of FAQs and troubleshooting at the end, please check these first.

Right now we don’t offer customised sleep consultations or support but we’re always interested in your feedback and improving the program. Please write to us at from the email you made your purchase with. No matter how big or small the problem seems, we’ll most likely ask you 11 really important questions which will give us a better understanding of what’s happening so we can answer you correctly.

How long will I have access to the program?

You will have access to the sleep program indefinitely. If for whatever reason the program is no longer available online you will receive a full PDF of the entire course.

I've purchased a $100 program and I'd like to upgrade to the VIP Bundle Deal can I get a discount?

Yes you will! Keep an eye on your inbox for $100 AUD discounts to upgrade or write to us at with the email you made your purchase with and we’ll take care of it.

What is the Dr Golly️ Sleep Program?

The Dr Golly Sleep Program is a series of self-paced online sleep & settling courses to help you get children 0-5 years sleeping in a routine that works for your family.

What type of content do the Dr Golly️ courses include?

Content varies by age category and ranges from feeding, nutrition, winding, routines, settling techniques and more.

What are the different courses in the Dr Golly️ Program?

There are 6 core aged based courses and 2 supplements that make up the program. 

  1. Newborn: 0-3 weeks 
  2. Little Baby: 3-16 weeks
  3. Big Baby: 4-8 months
  4. Pre-Toddler: 8-12 months
  5. Toddler: 1-2 years
  6. Pre-School: 2-5 years

– Second child supplement

– Twins supplement

How do I access the course?

Once you purchase a program you will be directed to create an account in the Dr Golly Learning Hub where you will access all your course material. If you don’t receive an invitation to the Dr Golly Learning Hub please check your junkbox as it can often end up in there.

My baby is XXXX weeks/months old, which program should I purchase?

We understand that sometimes your baby or child will be on the tail end of one Dr Golly age based program and just about ready to start a new one.

The age appropriate routines are uniquely set for your babies needs at that specific time, a few things to keep in mind are:
– If you have a premmie baby the Dr Golly Sleep Program recommends age correction until 6 months of age
– We have set the VIP Bundle Deal at a very discounted price point as we believe each age based program plays an essential role in guiding you through the needs of your baby at that time
– You can start the program at any age 0-5 years, it’s never too late to start healthy sleep routines

If you only want to start out purchasing one course here are our general recommendations on when we think you should go with one program over the other:
– If you baby is 2 weeks or older: go with the Little Baby 3-16 week program
– If your baby is 15 weeks or younger go for the Little Baby 3-16 week program
– If you baby is 15 weeks or older: go with the Big Baby 4-8 month program
– If your baby is 7 months or younger stay in Big Baby 4-8 month program
– If you baby is over 7 months sleeping 12 hours through the night look at the Pre-Toddler: 8-12 months program

What can I expect to see in the online course?

We know you’re tired so we’ve tried to make it as easy to consume as possible!

Program material includes a combination of:

– Videos
– Written content
– Images/infographics
– Downloadable/printable routines & charts
– Special offers from time to time

Should we take this course as a couple?

Absolutely – parental alignment is one of the keys to success in completely this program. Our babies and children love and crave consistency so both parents being armed with the information, agreed settling techniques and routines is the key to the whole family getting a full night’s sleep!

How do I book an appointment with Dr Golly?

To book an appointment with Dr Golly please contact his rooms at Cabrini on (03)95086000. If you haven’t got a referral already and want the appointment subsidised by medicare you will need to get your GP to complete a referral form Dr Golly’s rooms can arrange in person and telehealth appointments.

How much does an appointment with Dr Golly cost?

Dr Golly’s practice rooms are separate to the Sleep Program. The cost for an appointment varies on time and whether the consultation is covered by medicare etc, for all these questions it’s best to call his rooms at Cabrini direct on (03)95086000.

What is a Certified sleep sense consultant?

This is a sleep consultant who has done 3 months extra training with the Sense Sleep School.

Do you have child infant mental health experts in your team?

Yes we have Paediatric Psychologist Amanda Abel in our team

What are your thoughts on sleep schools or a baby sleep school that involves inpatient hospital stays:

I have referred many families to sleep schools in the past and seen terrific results, but compared to those I’ve sent, I have stopped many more from attending. This is because many MBUs (mother-baby units) send a message to parents that there is a militant solution and that they can’t achieve it without this. I firmly disagree with this. 

We need to empower, not disempower parents. Manage your child according to their needs, within an age-appropriate, flexible routine framework. Not militant regimens.

An online course like the Dr Golly Sleep Program is a great option for many families but an online course can only do so much, for some families a personalised sleep consultant that comes to your house might be best for others the cross functional care provided at a sleep school might be what you need.  If you have been referred to or think an in-patient sleep school is the right option for your family there are public and private sleep school options available. Many of the private options are rebatable on your Private health insurance which is great news for many families requiring the service.

Please note: some mothers experience extreme emotional changes in the postnatal period, including psychosis and depression. These mothers may be admitted to a mental healthcare facility for new mothers, which is not the same thing as a ‘sleep school’ concept.  

What is a family health service or parenting centres you recommend?

There are so many great resources about there for parents – filtering through them and working out which ones are right for your family is the hard bit!

In general terms I’m a clinical ambassador for:

Safety: Red Nose & Kids Safe Australia: There will guide you through creating a safe sleep space for your baby and safe home once they can start to move around.

Mental Health: PANDA & SMS4Dads 

My partner or myself are suffering from postnatal anxiety or postnatal depression - can this course still help us?

The correlation between unsettled babies and perinatal mental health issues are extremely high, if you’re not coping you’re not alone. Sleep deprivation can have a profound impact on our mental health.  The Newborn, Little Baby, & Big Baby programs have a section on parental mental health which will help you identify the support you may need.  Sometimes it can be impossible to give our babies the support or environment they need until we have the support we need – I implore all parents to seek help if they need it – PANDA are a terrific resource to start off with.

Do you have certified sleep consultants or child sleep consultants in your team of experts?

We do. Alex Dawkins, is a Registered nurse midwife and a Certified Sleep Consultant she is a core member of our team and contributed greatly to the writing and structure of the Dr Golly Sleep Program. 


What is the Sleep Settling Technique or Sleep Settling Techniques you recommend?

The Dr Golly Program offers a range of different settling techniques, both gentle and more traditional methods. Dr Golly does not recommend letting babies cry it out. The settling techniques differ depending on age.

We recommend selecting techniques based on your baby’s temperament and your own parenting style. There are lists of pros and cons in each of the age based programs to help you choose the best settling solution for your family.

With the settling techniques recommended, make sure you choose one that is achievable for your family! Every parent and family is different, but both caregivers should be on the same page to give your baby the same, consistent message.

What is your professional opinion on controlled crying and cry it out methods?

Dr Golly does not recommend letting babies cry it out. While crying can often be associated with and normal when changing a baby’s current habits and establishing a new routine, leaving a baby crying out unchecked is not something Dr Golly would do with his own family and would never recommend it. The program aims to empower you as parents to trust your parental instincts, listen to the cries and understand tired, wind and hunger signs – know when a grizzle is just a protest or when a whale is because they have some trapped wind.

What sleep issues can the Dr Golly Sleep Program help with?

The Dr Golly Sleep Program is built on the foundations of learning the cues your baby is giving you to help form of healthy sleep habits and healthy feeding cycles. The program can help with many common sleep problems including, Cat napping, early morning waking, sleeping through the night, dropping night feeds, navigating starting solids, a baby that will only fall asleep in your arms being rocked

When do you recommend babies start a sleep routine?

This is completely up to the family, if what you are doing works for you then great! In the Dr Golly Sleep Program we don’t recommend sleep routines until 6 weeks – 5-6 kg, keeping in mind age correction for preemie babies until 6 months of age
Dr Golly early morning waking tips and advice.